• CNC Milling of Large Thin Plate Parts

    CNC Milling of Large Thin Plate Parts

    CNC milling of thin plate parts has problems such as low stiffness and poor processing technology. Under the action of cutting force, clamping force, cutting chatter and other factors, processing deformation is prone to occur, and it is difficult to control processing accuracy and improve processing efficiency. Processing deformation and processing efficiency issues have become…

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  • What Are the Features of CNC Turning ?

    What Are the Features of CNC Turning ?

    Discover the impressive features of CNC turning that revolutionize precision machining. Explore our comprehensive guide now and elevate your machining skills! The Features of CNC Turning Tool Materials and Their Selection for CNC Turning Coated carbide cutting tools. Coated carbide tools are coated with one or more layers of coatings with good wear resistance on…

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  • What Effect Does Temperature Have on CNC Machining Accuracy?

    What Effect Does Temperature Have on CNC Machining Accuracy?

    Thermal deformation is one of the reasons that affects CNC machining accuracy. Machine tools are affected by changes in the ambient temperature of the workshop, motor heating and mechanical motion friction heat, cutting heat and cooling media, resulting in uneven temperature rise in various parts of the machine tool, resulting in changes in the shape…

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