• How to Learn Milling Machines from Scratch?

    How to Learn Milling Machines from Scratch?

    Many people want to learn CNC machining technology, especially CNC milling machine related knowledge. So, for a novice, how to learn a milling machine from scratch? I have been operating Frank’s CNC milling machine for half a year and want to learn to adjust the machine, but the master said that I need to learn…

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  • The Current Situation of CNC Machines in China

    The Current Situation of CNC Machines in China

    Weapons and equipment are related to national security, and their production and manufacturing cannot completely rely on imported CNC machine tools. Although China has become the world’s largest importer of CNC machine tools as early as the 1990s, developed countries have been erecting various obstacles. Not only are procurement channels poor and it is difficult…

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  • Advantages of CNC Machining Aluminum Plates

    Advantages of CNC Machining Aluminum Plates

    CNC machining aluminum plates has many advantages. First, aluminum plates do not require complex tooling when processing parts with complex shapes, which can greatly reduce the number of tooling. Second, the parts produced are of high precision and stable quality. For example, CNC processing of aluminum alloy shells is relatively stable, and there will be…

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